nicki is going out on a 2 week trial....with one of our vets. hoping it is a good match, it all depends on how she does without a bunch of other dogs to boss around and keep her amused. nicki really likes bossing...a lot!
max has recovered well from his dental.
zsu zsu is a freaking day off I am soap/sudsing bathing that cat from head to toe. I really wish she would quit walking thru her food and water bowls!
speaking of tormenting greasy (river) needs a head to toe, big time sudsy bath too. he is so greasy cuz we are coating him in surolan..which looks to me to maybe be working (i hope!)
squirt got shaved today..renee is on a shaving dog roll. he once again looks like a little bobble-head...too freaking cute.
I made flaky pillsbury doughboy rolls to go with my homemade soup...mmm-mmm good dinner. I am finally getting the hang of toaster oven cooking...keep it simple, small and something that cooks pretty damn quick.
desi's appetite is picking up...she really likes those teenie-weenie, looks like an appetizer, 2 bucks a can, specialty foods. I guess I better go buy more for her.
maple ridge bosleys raised over $4000.00 for us during their fundraiser for saints last month. great, great job you guys and thank you so very much. I will pick up the cheque sometime on the weekend and that will keep us going for a little bit more.
I think that is pretty much all of the news.
Thank you Bosley's Maple Ridge!!