Rescue Journal

barn (and jake) updates

Carol  ·  May 10, 2013

I like the mornings I wake up a half an hour before my alarm. I think it means I got enough sleep...except I feel totally bagged out so far.

jake is pretty much glued to my bed...not sure if he will be a runner or not. kind of hard to run away, if you never walk out the sliding glass door. he is another who gets pretty darn silly if I am changing the bed. we had a bit of goofy rough house and tumble while I was trying to put the clean linens on. thank god erin gave him a bath cuz with all of his rubbing around, the bed wouldn't have stayed clean very long.
so far so good..except for his greedy canned food issues, which is easily manageable for me, jake has been really good dog.
wonder if this is just the honeymoon period tho and the real beagle beast is patiently waiting for the right time to appear. beagles are the k9 version of single word to describe them...tricksters.
never trust a beagle...they always have some kind of self-serving plan.

benny and bo are both asleep on the couch...absolutely brilliant of me to pick a couch that easily can hold almost 300 pounds of dog.

lexi cleaned off the spider webs from the barn cameras. gideon's camera had such a thick, intricate web over it that it was blocking my view. this morning I can clearly see him again and that is good. I am watching raven reaching over top of his wall and scratching Dixie's neck for her. this makes me happy because I was really worried how raven would cope if something happened to Gideon...his only equine friend in the world. but now that I know he and dix are barn bedtime buddies..i know he would probably be ok.

I don't know why I would worry about that...the white shining knight isn't going anywhere!

Dixie had her teeth done yesterday...gilbert's sutures need to stay in for another week or so. the ferrier came out and did his feet again. gilbert is having far less trouble with them since she started sticking in an extra trim inbetween the horses trimming days. it seems to be working well for him. I have never seen a goat with such persnickety is like they are on growth hormones. oh well..the new plan is working really well for him.

brad is once again a pink pig in a blue taco. they all have their summer pools out again. I wish I could find him a super sized pool tho. I feel so sad seeing his head and butt sticking out of his blue taco shell....I am sure he wants a bigger one that fits all of himself.

the umbrellas are just not providing enough shade for Wilbur/charlotte and brad. it is ok now cuz it is not quite as hot as it was a few days ago. but that heat will be back again soon.
I think I will have to just bite the that's freaking ugly to look at bullet and put shade tarps up for them all.

well..thats all I have for barn yard news.

hope everyone...(the animals, you and me)... has a good day today!



ziggy is doing great Suzanne...still thinks he is a cow but I suppose he can be whoever he wants to be.

jake is only 6 yrs old BUT he looks MUCH older (he looks more like 12 to me!)..he is quite grey already and he has really awful teeth..(his mouth looks like a 16 yr old poodle's mouth...yuck!) I think he is very poorly he came from a puppy mill.

I will get him in for his pre-dental check/bloodwork next week.


Someone on cl has had shade cloth for sale for $2 a lineal ft. Type they use for ginseng. It is in Lilloet but they also mentioned delivery.


What about a pond liner? I would think they would be a bit more durable and likely lots of sizes.

Bunny Horne

I checked out the pool and it won't work. It's far too large as it is round and the sides are not durable enough. It is my GOAL this year to find the perfect pool for my fav pig.

Bunny Horne

OMG an 8' plastic pool!!!! Carol if that puppy would work for Brad I will gladly dig out a hole big enough to set it into so that Mr. Pitt can lay in a lovely pool of water this summer. I can coat it with resin again if need be to make sure it's got some stability so his feet don't puncture it as he did to so many of the small pools last year.


Yes, I would also like to know how old Jake the Beagle is. Do you think he will be able to live in a home again? A great organization for beagle-lovers is the Beagle Freedom Project. Although their mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and and find homes for beagles used in laboratory research, they have an international group of supporters including (I imagine) some Canadians. It probably would not hurt to contact them to see if they know of anyone who is interested in adopting him (that is, if you are interested in taking this path!)--


There's an 8 ft X 18 inch plastic pool at Canadian Tire for 32 bucks. Would Brad kill it?

Barb H

Just wondering how old is Jake the Beagle? (BTW I am also one of those that checks in every day, just don't want to bother you with comment reading. I figured you're busy enough!!)