griffin died in the car on the way to the vets.
Carol · May 11, 2013
Edited by Jenn ...
I was very sad to hear this morning that Giffin passed away today when my mom left me a voice mail.
I think Griffin came to SAINTS in the winter of 2009. The first picture I have of him is dated January 15, 2010 and in it he looks like a tough little bugger. But really he was all noise and teeth and no bite. I never saw him bite another dog but he sure as shit growled and barked at them a lot. I think he was over compensating for his tiny stature and his lack of sight. The first time I met him was the day he arrived. He was brought to saints by a foster mom of another rescue. She really loved him but he was apparently a biter. Again, I have never seen him bite another dog or person. He bit my rubber boot tho. On the first day I met him, i don't know why but I shoved my rubber boot in his face and he bit the shit out of it. Stupid rubber boot deserved it if you ask me! But he sure had a soft side. He used to like to try to climb right up to my shoulders and rub his face on my face.
Here is a video that I (Jenn) had made when I was doing the animal videos to help them find homes. I did this on Feb 2011. It was call Griffin: So bad he's good.
?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0" height="385" width="480" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always">
Also, here is a little write up i did about him when I decided that he was one of my favorites call the Princess and the Prick
Giffin was at saints for over three years and I have close to 300 pictures of him. Here are a few of my favorites:
This is one of my most recent photos of Griffin from last weekend. He takes a great portrait.
He has very small but he could stand tall ...
Bye Griffin. I am going to really miss you little bony bugger!
So sorry to read this tonight. Was away at a ball tournament and didn't get my daily fix of the blog. RIP Griffin.