not a happy camper...someone plugged the house toilet, left the handle stuck down in the running position so when the toilet overflowed, it kept overflowing til it flooded the bathroom, the hallway and both the back bedrooms. since no one told me there was a problem, I didn't discover it for a couple of hours.
it was a huge cleanup..i used every dry towel in the house which of course I now have to wash/dry and fold again. luckily jenn came halfway thru and helped. she brought over one of the dehumidifiers to try to dry and save the floors from rotting or lifting.
since the house bathroom is supposed to be off limits, it made the whole thing suck even more.
people flush all kinds of stuff down that toilet..the dirty gravel filled water from the outside cat run, paper towels, swept up cat litter, bowls of dry dog and cat drives me insane. is over and done now but I am thinking of putting an outside lock on that door so it never happens again.
I swear some days I would just like to start drinking, and drinking and drinking til everything here becomes a big blur.
I'm with Dionne, on top of all you've had this week, to end it with a backed up toilet. Bring on the alcohol!