Rescue Journal

the invisible volunteers

Carol  ·  May 15, 2013

wow..extra super neat and tidy everywhere when I got home today, I didn't even have to re-clean zsu zsu (THE MESSIEST CAT IN THE WHOLE FREAKING WORLD!).... thx guys, great job all around!!!
it was a busy day with a couple of sick calls. work asked me to do some overtime..i just picked up the extra, worked harder and faster so I could still get off on time.

here's something I never talk about...the volunteers in the background. folks don't see them that often cuz they don't come here to clean. but they are still working hard, (harder than most people think) fundraising, coordinating volunteers to make sure we are covered each day, dealing with the public trying to dump more animals here, taking care of the endless paperwork, sifting thru adoption and volunteer applications, updating websites, facebook and petfinder.

many times they don't really feel that valued or included because they aren't here on the weekends cleaning and folks don't think they do all that much.

but here is the thing..these folks are REALLY, REALLY important to not only saints but to me.
I would actually and truly VOMIT if I had to take back and start doing those kinds of things.
they take care of the nitty gritty, pain in the neck details that allow us to carry on.

I am very careful not to EVER intentionally piss any of them off (i probably occasionally do it by accident but NEVER on purpose!)
i am very mindful and respectful that without them we (and me!) are totally lost and they like everyone more visible here... go far, far above and beyond.

so lets all be respectful of the background volunteer folks and be really grateful to them for all that they helping me not to puke!!!!!

I don't want to have to do any of their jobs and I am betting neither do any of you.

lets make sure they know how important they are to saints as a whole. we can start by making sure we are always appreciative, cooperative, kind, supportive and respectful of the efforts they put forth for not only us humans but ultimately for our animals too.

the fact of the matter is, we ( and I!) sometimes forget to acknowledge that our invisible volunteer army totally ROCKS!!!



Absolutley 3 cheers & a ton of hip hip hurrahs (sp?) for all the silent invisible volunteers !!! the work they do allows for SAINTS to continue marching on.



Thank you to all the invisible volunteers!!!! You all do a fantastic job and are greatly appreciated!!! N