someone just had to dump a bucket of something gross down my bathtub?
I guess I better go scrub the left overs out but it ain't all that high on my fun stuff to do tonight so I am not all that happy of a camper.
isn't that 2 weekends in a row that I get to come home to a bathroom disaster? I am starting to get desperate for a house of my own....I am getting selfishly tired of sharing every square inch that I have...I have been doing it for far too long.
I have been looking at little house plans on line..nothing big or fancy, just 4-500 square feet of personal space removed for everything about saints just for me. the problem is A. I can't afford it and B. there is nowhere to put a little tiny house here just for me.
oh well... I am enjoying looking and dreaming.....maybe someday.
in the meantime I better go buy a lock so at least I can do without after work bathroom floods and can clean the bathroom when I actually feel like cleaning.
I am finally thinking it pretty much sucks to live in a homeless animal shelter.
took me a while to figure it out tho.
that's it for this post..i am going back to my online house plans surfing and dreaming.
I'm thinking you need a LOCK!