the unexpected loss of shep while I was off working a 12 hour shift, pretty much sucked.
I spoke with the vet about preacher..apparently he has a S1/S2 displaced spinal fracture..right at the base of his tail. the vet said it looks like someone grabbed his tail and swung him. she wondered if maybe kids had abused him..i think it is more likely an adult. I am guessing our young unneutered boy suddenly grew up and started spraying and someone caught him at it, grabbed him by the vibrating tail and flung him right out the door.
I could be wrong...but I bet I am not.
people are so freaking stupid..they get a cute little kitten, don't get around to neutering him and then have a freaking violent fit because the now sexually mature tom does what comes pretty damn natural to him.
anyway..maybe that is not what happened..maybe someone was just plain freaking mean and broke him for no reason.
whatever...I suppose it really does not matter now, the damage was done to him and we will continue to try to pick up the pieces.
I am beyond tired tonight, i am sad about shep and i am sad about preacher...i wish he had been accidently hit by a car, not hurt so badly on purpose.
Well said, Bunny - and so true.