well...we sort of got the painting done except I keep finding new beat up spots that we totally missed.
I just finished up the computer room spots and then I noticed how beat up it is behind squirts hidey hole dog house in the kitchen..big sigh..i better go back out to the shop and grab the right colored paint again.
ok..so I stopped blogging right there and went to the shop for the right color paint and did it...no bullshitting procrastinating around here right now!. whew, I am sweating again but it's done...now I think I got it all...I hope.
anyway..we painted the lazy ass cheating way...some of the walls are different colors, some walls have three separate colors, chris at my suggestion just painted purple paw prints on some of the worst spots in the back cat room. whatever, we didn't have several thousand bucks to pay professional painters so we did it the quickest and easiest way!
it is a bit funky in places but that is better than nicks, bangs and holes so I think it is ok.
big thx to our volunteer painters shelagh, michelle, Jamie and chris and big thx to tammy for helping me oil the dried out computer room cedar wall...I am pretty happy with the results from today!
AND I do believe there is not a single dog with any paint on them today!!!!
I finally got around to tidying up and organizing the wind chime trees. I took benny out with me for company. that is a nice and peaceful job...lots of memories hanging on those chime trees.
so a bit of a time change for tomorrow...I actually won't be back here until close to noon and then I have to be back in maple ridge around 3pm. so if anyone is planning on coming out to help me in the tent and the shed..i will be working on them between 1130-230.
Gideon did not eat as well tonight as he did last night. bad horse!
some nice folks who support us from north van were in the neighborhood this afternoon so I gave them the quickie tour.
I am pretty sure we drove erin insane today with being totally in her way but she dealt with it really well. you're a good egg erin!
odie really seems to be sore again..can't decide if it is his leg or his hip. not like I can take him to the vet to find out because he will try to eat them if they touch him.
the final for the voice is on..gotta go!
oh shit shelagh...I forgot you in our painters list and you gave us such a good start too. I went back and fixed it!