I really would like to put phoebe into a straight jacket and shove a gag down her throat. tammy was on site at 7 am sharp (the volunteers are allowed to come at 7 on open house days to get the regular cleaning shit done.)and not only does phoebe know someone is here...for the next 2 hours until she can get out to see...she is not going to let anyone forget that someone is here!
she winds everyone up and keeps them wound up as tight as she is....it drives me insane.
I imagine all kinds of not nice things like straight jackets, gags, cutting off hysterical barking fool heads but I have to content myself with firmly repeating "stop it!', and deadly aimed spray bottles instead.
as day two of the open house begins, i find I am not in top form...tired, not feeling all that great and ready to kill a bunch of stupid, unnecessarily noisy hysterical dogs.
cats are so much more peaceful and quiet when anything unusual is going on.
folks should come to the open house today and see if phebes is really lucky and still has her freaking annoying head.
She got really tricky and waited until there was no frward movement (Tammy had arrived ) timed it perfectly when the plates were being passed between hands and like a shark coming up from the depths..she struck..hitting the plateS (caps on purpose ) and all my yummies were like candy from a pinata (sp?)
Smart pooch