as far as days off are concerned, it wasn't quite the stay in my pj's and don't move, don't do, don't think, don't nothing at all that I had envisioned but then it never is. i would have to be in a coma to achieve all that. I got a few hours so that is ok.
nicki has been at her sutures...her cone wasn't deep enough i guess. i never saw her at them on the weekend but apparently she was. anyway, we started her on abx, shoved a bigger cone on her head and she should be will just take a bit longer to heal. way NOT to go nicki!
the sheep got sheared yesterday, carl gets done on july 3rd.
today i will order the water trucks to come and fill up the tanks so we are ready when the dry season hits.
brent got the trailer sold on the weekend (yay brent!) so this morning i will hit ICBC and get all of the paperwork together and then i am babysitting ethan for a couple of hours while his mom runs a few errands.
i am watching pokey..his appetite is off and for a 20 yr old cat, it is a big worry.
cindy is eating better again so that is good and chloe seems to be doing ok so i am happy about that. gideon was off with his feed yesterday, i was so hoping he was back on the up swing...i guess not yet. and as i said below in answer to deb's comment..preacher is not doing as well with his peeing now that the catheter is out as i had hoped.
i think the grand total of folks thru on weekend was somewhere around 280..down a bit i think. donations were thankfully just over $5000 so that will keep us going for a few more weeks, i am so grateful for that!
i think that is pretty much all of the news.
I have gone to all the Saints Open Houses and I am amazed at the organization that goes into making this Open House a success. To separate the animals into manageable groups, so that visitors can get from one area to another fairly easily, having at least one volunteer in each area, sometimes two. Amazing and to top it all the weather was fairly agreeable.
Kudos the Carol and all the volunteers who made this another successful Open House.