Rescue Journal

blah, blah, blah...

Carol  ·  Jun. 27, 2013

there was a fair amount of poop around here this morning...someone on my side has the runs plus crash is now losing control of his bowels when he sleeps and I slept in til 7 am which screwed up odie's toileting routine.
shit happens...and apparently more on Thursday morning then it did during the earlier part of the week.

with the open house done I find myself at a bit of a pretty much consumed my thoughts for the past few weeks. oh well, I am sure my head will just fill up with other stuff pretty soon.

like...Jessie, crash and shane are all getting pretty darn frail. we have had a ton of losses already this year..i am wondering how many more are to come? the thing about seniors and special needs just cannot always predict who is going to keep going and who will be next to cash in their chips.
they all have poker faces around here.

I will most likely take in a couple of old and wrecked dogs now. I wasn't planning on the mp room taking such hard and repeated hits. i would still like the house numbers to go down a bit but the mp room could easily handle a couple of new guys in there.

we talked yesterday about moving a few of the house guys over..but i am not sure that would be a good thing. it just messes the heads up on whoever gets moved, they are well settled over here. i think it is best to leave the house guys alone and not muck around with their world. better to open up to a couple of new old ones who need some help since the mp building now has the room.
i guess i will wait to see who finds us first.

well i better get moving, can't just sit around blogging ad nauseum all day.


Bunny Horne

The buyer just donated a smaller cat tree to Saints. I will bring it out on Monday when we come out to work. I will leave it in the shop for you/ Dionne/Erin. It's a nice size and cute as can be and I'm sure there's some kitties that might like to wrestle over a new cat tree.

janet nicholson

I imagine there are a lot of old sick frail dogs out there who would consider your MP room as pure heaven - I can hardly wait to see who comes to stay with you next!