Gideon ate every scrap of his second late supper last night. nots so great with his breakfast this morning but lexi just told me he ate 4 decent lunches so that is ok. the ferrier was out today but we took Gideon off the list. I don't want him wasting energy and tiring himself trying to balance on 3 feet. she is back again in 3 weeks (because gilbert has to have his feet trimmed every three weeks) and if Gideon is stronger then, we will catch up with his routine hoof trims then.
I had a call from animal control...crippled goat coming in. she was a stray found walking on her knees in abbotsford. bylaws state that all unclaimed farm animals have to be sent off to auction. but when the staff called the auction, they said they would just put her down so the staff got permission to send her here instead. we will go get her sometime tomorrow. with pete's passing last year, we easily have room for one more sad goat.
maddy is here..not a happy camper. she had a good home so she currently thinks saints sucks. she is younger than I thought for some reason..the lady who brought her said she is only like 6 or 7, I somehow assumed she was way older than that! cute little furry thing, once we get her teeth done, she should find a really good home pretty damn quick. anyway for all that we suck, she is not above sulking up on my pillow.
I am hoping she learns to be a brave and confident dirty farm dog before she gets swept back up into puffy white princesshood.
right now, I think not a home with any kids for her tho..she is too much of a chicken. but who knows what hidden strengths are within her?
I guess we will see...anyway..welcome sweetie.
thanks Carol... I'll go look now!