I should have let everyone know that at my request during the last AGM, we reconfigured the board. we did this to try to be proactive in meeting the future needs of saints.
saints board of directors is as follows:
President: Sheila Kullar
Vice President; Mo Stead
Secretary: Meghann Cant
Treasurer: Ann Cording
Directors: Nicole McClelland
Marion Klammer
Carol Hine
now you are probably wondering why I am not president and I am not president because the president is responsible for directing the board and the overall business of running saints and not only am I not good at that stuff but I also really don't like to do that shit.
my role will remain the same which is the day to day lives, wellbeing and safety of the animals living at saints.
I am only telling you this (frankly, it really isn't that interesting) because we can expect some changes in how we have previously done things. the board will be working to tighten up the ship and arm us with a good map for our future.
so if suddenly we find that we have to do some things differently, I don't want anyone's knickers to get in a knot. it is not personal, it is not to cause anyone any trouble, it is just a better way to get things done. this will probably affect me more than anyone cuz A. I am lazy and B. I don't like to change but because this is the best thing for saints, I will suck it up and really try hard to cooperate.
(Sheila is going to cut and paste this to my forehead!)
Thank you! I'll send off a check for Zig-a-licious and CeeCee... I have 3 shelties and she tugs at my heart from afar.