just because it will be most inconvenient...
Carol · Jul 28, 2013
i bet the house well gives out today.
this mac laptop is getting pretty frustrating..it is ok for the first few minutes on it but then starts crapping out. by the time i finish a post or an email and hit publish or send, 3/4's of the time the mac says its too tired and safari just can't connect.
then i have to shut er down and try all over again.
it is like the thing has dementia..it remembers and then it forgets. anyway..posting, editting posts for typos and mistakes and answering emails is problematic. and don't anyone even try to facebook me because this thing cannot ever get past my facebook front page.
oh well..she is pretty old, i think we bought her almost 8 years ago.
and while i really appreciate folks offers to find us a cheap or free rebuild...the rebuilds are like used washers around here, with the dust and the hair, and the freaking spraying cats so prevalent in a shelter environment, they just don't last. the last one that curt put so much time and effort in to barely made it a year. usually with a new one, we can make it thru 3 years and the first two are covered by warranty.
anyway..i don't mind fiddling thru until money is less tight, as long as folks realize, this thing doesn't work all that great and if someone has asked me something and i haven't answered...best for now to just give me a call.
it is going to be a different kind of day. the barn and the house are both down some regular folks. plus with all of the recent changes, sick or confined animals in cages, gideons frequent eye meds and new animal additions in the mp bldg, i need to split myself between the three areas.
this ought to be fun...hope i can make it work ok.
well...i better go get some breakfast, haul butt back here and get to it.
i better be on the ball, and not screw anything up.
and please god...just make the well water last thru today, i really don't want to have to crawl under the house to switch to the tank.
Thanks carol and sorry for posting here.