while I quite dislike these early shifts, I have to say that from saints perspective...they work better on the weekends cuz it gets me home at 4 pm, instead of closer to 6. but still, they are freaking early!
I was missing judd last night. he never was really an in your face kind of dog but he was an on my bed buddy and that space usually his was empty.
while I have yet to see any biting aggressiveness from that new shitz pup gerty, what I have seen is an aggressively playful bitey shitz puppy. she is bad for landing on my face or my hands. she winds herself up way too tight when she plays. we are working on that cuz my face and fingers are not her chew toys.
a heads up to the mp volunteers today...the little chi's are here for a couple of weeks again while Johanna is away. they are back in the medical room pen and should stay in the pen unless I am here to let them out cuz lizzy is a freak out runner. I guess I better get moving..i have that whole building of dogs to feed before I leave for work. sigh...that is the one big drag of working early on the weekend.
Carol / MO / KO - we've picked up breakfast veggies & fruit for the barn guys. Got a nice YELLOW apple for Gideon and some soft pears. Brent picked up some bolts for the new hay troughs today as well. See y'all in the AM.