pokey has reached the end of his 20 year road. the vet will meet me at the clinic tonight at 8:30 to help him to gently pass away.
something happened with roxy today...we are not sure what but somehow she lost that incredible personal power and now she is afraid. on the off chance that one of the dogs stepped on her or hurt her in some unseen way, I have started her on pain meds just in case. but I think we let her take one step too far and whatever happened, stripped her power away. for now we will go back to the beginning...safe in her pen and only out for pee breaks. in case she is somehow injured and sore, we won't pick her up for a few days, just snap on the leash and let her walk out and in on her own steam.
we'll see how she does over the next few days.
brad got out of his pen when no one was here and slashed Gideon underneath. luckily michelle was in her yard and saw it and ran over. KO had just arrived to check on chewy who was a bit off today so they were able to prevent any further damage to any of our guys by putting brad away (huge thx you guys!) I called the vet and rushed home, the vet got here before me and was just finishing up stitching him up. Gideon has 5 stitches along his under rib cage. he was very lucky, it wasn't worse. michelle told me that raven immediately sprang into action distracting brad from Gideon...he circled brad until brad would charge and then he would run away and he kept doing this over and over again. he was obviously protecting his friend. brave boy..hero horse.
I have some real concerns regarding brad and the danger he potentionally presents. I have no doubt that Gideon did nothing at all to antagonise brad, brad is just naturally aggressive to the other animals. he doesn't wait for someone to bug him, he just goes at whoever he can reach. it worries me.
well, I guess I need to be thinking on this..looks like we got a big wake up call today.
We fell for Raven when we came to visit Saints this summer. Now I love him even more, what a friend!