ahhh..I drank too much coke last night....caffine high and I could not get to sleep. it was after 0430 again before I was asleep. it totally sucked because my mind was spinning with the animal problems and seeking solutions but since I did not come up with any brain storms..it was a waste of time worrying anyway.
I did not mention also that we got in a new cat. she arrived right in the middle of the lance and Elizabeth crises. she is a beautiful dilute torbe cat, unspayed and only 2 and a half years old. her owner was a young, 5 month pregnant woman who was retching the whole time she was here. I asked if she had tried the spca, FVHS, katies place, c.a.r.e.s. because this was a young, pretty and adoptable cat. she said she did and no one would take the cat. I really did not have the time or inclination to delve in any further or even want to try to problem solve a solution for her. the cat was unspayed and the woman was desperately trying to unload her so I just took her. her name is Marfa which maybe due to the retching, reminded me of barfa so I am changing it to Martha and will leave it at that.
she seems like a very nice cat.
oh. mo is here to take riley and capone for their run. the house has erupted into a howling fest. that ought to wake up my poor still sleeping sister pretty damn fast...I guess I better get dressed.
not great...really sore, quite upset. did not eat this morning but did eat a little bit tonight.