Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Oct 7, 2013

owen is here. sweet, sweet dog. he is ancient, he is blind and deaf and leaks urine due to old age, he has skin and eye issues, which the LA rescue has well controlled with diet and meds. his transporter said he loves to be held and have his ears rubbed and then sleeps the rest of the time. I am sure he will find many loving arms here ready to hold gently this little old furry man.

raven is being a dick. Dixie is in season and raven has decided that rudy is not allowed to go any where near her. raven is not only an old man..he is also a gelding so why he gives a shit if Dixie is in season is beyond me...hopefully our little hussy comes out of season soon.

orion and Passat are doing really well...much better than I thought they would. I think the sulcrate helps a lot with these ulcer type viral coats the ulcers, decreases the pain and helps them to heal faster. anyway..I am pretty damn pleased with how well they are doing..we will keep up with their current med protocol until they are clear.

lynne has very kindly paid for lance's and mini's ashes to be returned to saints, she will bring them up for us to take care of tomorrow.

I am getting behind on the wind chimes again...I still have cassie chicks, Gideon's, liam's, mini me's and lances to find. so many deaths recently, such sad hearts here. I was in the memorial garden today and thinking of the hundreds who have finished their lives here.

so many once unwanted yet now so very much and forever loved. how did all of them moved so quickly from that to this?

I have said that rescue requires brains..the issues surrounding homeless animals are so complex and multi layered. it is not something that can be done well without acknowledging that answers to individual animal problems and answers to multiple animal problems are most times difficult to find. closing the borders may or may not be the solution to BC's unwanted pet over population problems..i think not but maybe I am wrong. but what I do know is, the real answers continue to elude us and most likely reside somewhere deep within our hearts and our souls where we are afraid to go.

I believe this because my bed, my house, my home, the memorial garden and all of our collective saints memories and hearts are full of animals that no one wanted to hold until the end of their lives, until they came here where we want to hold them forever. my brain says that we cannot emotionally nor financially sustain the demands of this kind of rescue but my heart and soul says we can, we will and we do.

welcome home owen, we will love you too.



So pleased to read the Orion and Pasat at doing much better..keep up the good work!

Brenda Mc

Lynne: Very thoughtful of you,
- and Owen,I can feel my heart already melting. I had a very special cocker who was both blind and deaf at the end of her life, and she was amazing. That's when the nose (sense of smell) kicks in as the priority, and she taught me a lot about accepting limitations, and enjoying life fully with those same limitations. So Owen, welcome.... may you be overwhelmed with the fragrance of love at SAINTS, as well as experiencing the caress of loving hands daily. Can't wait to meet you.


I have sulcrate here, it was for Trudy. I will drop if off Thursday if you need it.