cam has asked to send another dog down from up north...he is an old, decrepit, obese, mid sized model fuzzy something...pom/gawd knows what cross. matted, dirty, nails curling under, has a hard time walking around much.
owners abandoned him on the property when they moved. she has gotten him cleaned up and vetted, he is a bit of a snappy dick if you go near his ears or his face.
most likely not a lot of adoption options. might be a bit of a persnickety ass over some things but won't seriously harm anyone around here.
so..I anyone available to grab him from airco if she flies him down? and if so which days would you be available?
lol..I sound soooo enthusiastic, don't I???
maybe I should change our name from SAINTS to SATANS....Senior Animals That Avoided Nuking Society.
whatever, I am sure I will like him a lot anyway.
OH AND...that little bastard big freaking baby pepper is back on my bed! I couldn't stand his caterwauling at the bedroom gate for a single moment longer...he thought he was soooo close and yet soooo far.
I will shove him back thru in the morning..he can hang out with the big guys when my eagle eye is elsewhere.
Emailed you Carol