he was hungry, but no longer able to swallow..the tumor grew too big.
he passed very peacefully.
chewie got what he needed in his last days...good drugs to keep him comfortable, warm and soft beds. he had gentle hands and hearts surrounding him and we gave him what he needed the most..the realization that he had value and was important in this world.
rest in peace chewie, you were a good dog and you were loved.
<a href="http://s779.photobucket.com/user/carolsaints/media/chewie.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i779.photobucket.com/albums/yy78/carolsaints/chewie.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo chewie.jpg"/></a>
So sorry on the loss of Chewie - but he was loved and warm and felt loving hands on him - and I am sure he appreciated all of it.