Rescue Journal

what the freaking hell!!!!

Carol  ·  Oct. 23, 2013

two hours of freaking K9 IV nightmare...I was ready to kill her!
humans do NOT walk around and around in endless circles twisting the shit out of their IV lines. I left her for like 30 minutes while she WAS sleeping to feed, medicate the others. I come back and not only is she awake and up, she is twisted to shit but she has ALSO run thru 300cc instead of the maybe 30cc she should have had thru AND now her line has blood in it, was plugged and not running at all. I untwist her, stand there holding the line up in the air while she continues to circle, totally flummoxed trying to figure out how I can keep her from twisting, how I can unplug the line, how I can put the thing down to go find a syringe and some normal saline to try to unplug it without her hanging herself or pulling the IV out.

and let me just say that EVENTUALLY, like an hour later.... I did freaking figure it out.

she is again sleeping, I unplugged the line, the IV is running SLOWLY and she is wearing some special weirdo (I cannot believe we had one) double flapped Velcro jacket thing that holds the line close to her body and out of the way.

and hopefully we are done with the K9 IV gymnastics for the night.


Carol Ann

Oh Angel please settle down and be quiet for now. Carol Thank God you know what to do in these situations. That sure seems like a thundershirt. If so they have a lot of uses. I have one for my Lola. Will be using it around Halloween when the fireworks start. Still praying for Angel.


A new round of the Animal Rescue Site Shelter Challenge starts on Mon, Oct 28. Is SAINTS competing in it? If so, we should all make a big push this round to help S.A.I.N.T.S in Mission, BC win some $$

another Doreen

I wonder how the vets' staff manage animals when they have them on IVs? Mini IV poles?

Is that a Thundershirt you put on her?

Good wishes for Angel (and you)!
And I hope you both get some sleep!