I made my first foray out to the portapotty with my trusty flashlight cuz even I know no one in their right mind pees in a portapotty in the dark.
I swear to god I am going to die. it is so humiliating to be forced into portapottying in ones driveway.
where oh where is my long ago somewhat normal life..oh where oh where can it be....
I am so upset by unhappy current toiletting events and to make it even worse.... at my age.... I have to pee frequently.
hi susan..they are going to start working out a septic plan..it is a fairly involved on site investigation and mathematical process and involves public health approval. once the plan is complete, then we will know the total cost. the plan itself including submission to the health authority, costs about $2400.00. if it can be fixed along the way, they will fix it and just charge us an hourly rate..if not and it is a full replacement... ballpark is 25-30 grand. this guy is super nice, comes highly recommended and seems to be really committed to keeping costs down as much as he can because we are an animal shelter.
hi may..thx! i will see if we can get their photos and bios to you soon. must be beagle month..heard about three other senior beagles just in the past couple of days!