Rescue Journal

todays updates

Carol  ·  Nov 26, 2013

those carpets I bought to hang over the dog doors, really help to keep the cold air out..yay!

thx Maggie for grabbing the laundry!! we should be back to normal by the end of the week.

I picked up the snow fencing, a new dehumidifier for the rabbit room and 6 bags of hay cubes for cost $525.00...what did I pay? $6.40. hah! fraser valley building supplies send out gift cards for a percentage of dollars spent..we spend a lot of money there...building stuff, barn feed etc. and we had a lot of gift cards that we haven't spent yet...(mostly because they pile up and get lost in the office until ann finds them for me!) anyway..perfect timing since money is quite tight!

crash got bumped out of his vet appointment and luke was sent in. this is because luke and jake got into a beagle battle on sunday over some spilt food. lukes eye was quite swollen on sunday night and I was really worried about it but then on Monday it looked a lot better so I quit worrying about it. this morning the swelling was back so we sent him off to the vets..his eye is ok but his teeth are not. he needs a major dental. he came home with antibiotics and pain meds and we will get him in for dental surgery next week...looks like he will lose most of his teeth.

daisy had her vet visit...she has been medically confusing. the shelter spent quite a bit of money on her..bloodwork, ultrasounds, meds. the problem was the records were all over the place..maybe diabetes, not diabetes, maybe cushings, maybe not, maybe asthma or not. our vet thinks she most likely has a lymphoma of the kidney because the ultrasound showed her kidney is enlarged. the steroids from the inhalers and the previous antibiotics has most likely made her feel better but it may not last for long. she is now off all meds and we will see how she does.

gary's bloodwork was not bad...maybe a mild case of pancreatitis but otherwise ok. we are to watch him and see how he does. he also needs a dental but the vet wants to wait a couple of weeks. to hold him, he had a steroid and convenia injections.

jesse was feeling like his old self today...he did the I am a sweet dog, pet me and then tried to bite Christine. most folks would think biting is bad but jess hasn't tried to bite anyone for the longest time so I think today he was feeling pretty darn frisky.

gabby went in to the vets and came home shaved...we are not doing too great on our grooming of cats so I need to come up with a better plan. the vet said she has the FIV mouth issues but does not want to rock the boat with her since she is still eating ok.

we had a staff meeting to discuss various things...I brought in pizza (thank you laura for the coupons!)..the mp dogs enjoyed the meeting because they got to share lunch with us.

the barn cameras are not working...I called the company that helped us last year and donated the whole system for free but tony who used to own it is no longer there. the new owners are sending out a tech tomorrow to repair...min. $200 service call. shit but oh well... there went our free service for life...nothing is ever for sure.

the upper field is dug up to shit but the septic work has begun.,,big fat hurray!!!!

and I would like to officially welcome our new staff person...saints has hired kevin to take over the barn. he comes with a ton of experience and he is right into top quality animal care so we are all really happy to have him here. a week or so of training and Dionne goes back to the mp building and we are right back up to speed. big BIG sigh of relief...we have been short staffed since mid sept. but I think we finally found the right person to trust with our precious barn guys (esp. ellie-mae!)

I went to buy snow tires cuz jenn has been bugging me to get it done so I do not get killed coming down our mountain this winter. and shit murphy is still living here...apparently I had no front brakes and only 15% my $400 became $1300 and there went my personal bank cushion. do you know that I have put on almost 150,000 kilometers in the 3 years since I bought that car? so folks can quit bugging me about what a mess it always is..between work, vet visits, shelter runs etc...i almost live in that car!

anyway..I guess it was money well spent cuz now I won't lose my brakes and drive into car is safe!

good thing too because I am back to work tomorrow.

that's it for the news.



Carol, I tried to call you but you didn't answer so I left a message and I'm also telling you on here to remember to give Andy his sedative tomorrow morning! Can you call me when you get either my voicemail or see this, so I know you did?


Thank you so much Laura for delivering the pizza coupons and thanks Carol for picking it up. It was just a little thank you from the 4 Chis to the staff for taking such good care of them.

Sorry Carol !! Too funny !!! However, I was advised on the best authority that because of your many other duties,, the pizza coupons might possibly get mislaid.

Thanks to everyone at Saints.

Johanna and the 4 Chis


I was just the delivery gal for the pizza coupons they were actually courtesy of Joanne and the 4 chi's a thank-you for looking after them so well....she got them at our fundraiser and I was the go-between....cause in all honesty she figured if she gave them to Carol they may have gone astray :-)


awww thanks will be nice to be back inside and hang out with my girls again (Jingles & Crosby)

shelagh f

I am so glad Dionne will be back in the mp room where
she and the animals want her to be. Welcome Kevin,
glad you are here.

Glad the new rat control guy is here too. Good luck