Rescue Journal

it was so nice seeing everyone at our xmas dinner tonight

Carol  ·  Dec 8, 2013

so sorry I ate and ran but there were diabetics waiting at home to poke.

great job AGAIN! ann and allison!

all is well on the chilly saints front..the pipes are still frozen, gilbert is doing ok and everyone seems to be holding their own tonight so I am off to bed.



Thanks everyone we had fun too, looking forward to next year, but we had better not grow anymore or we will not fit in the room!! LOL From Ann & Alison


ditto to all of the above. great job ann and alison was a great time had fun. yes brenda i got home safely lol. merry christmas everyone


Wonderful evening!!! Wow I remember back about 6 yrs ago and our Saints family could have fit at a couple of tables and now we need to book our own private room…..and it's a room filled with such amazing and caring volunteers, dedicated staff and 1 inspiring leader….such blessings!!


Really lovely evening Ann and Allison - thanks so much. It's so great to see everyone in a social setting, instead of a quick "hi" in passing while we're running around at SAINTS. Maybe Preacher is just trying to keep his paws warm on the hot water pipe - cats love to be near heat when it's cold outside.


Thank you Ann and Allison! Fantastic job!!!! And thanks for inviting me!

Brenda Mc

Ann and Allison - Thanks for all your work organizing the get together this evening. It was really nice - right down to the little gifts at everyone's place setting. Sorry I had to leave a bit early too, but needed to get heading back to Hope. - and I meant to thank you in person before I left.
I gotta say that Preacher was quite weird today - laying for most of the morning with half his body under the sink cupboard, staring and wrapping his paws around the pipes. I looked inside too, and can't see anything of interest, but something is keeping his fixation in there. Maybe he's trying to remind all of us to keep the taps dripping, or the pipes will freeze in the house too? He seemed to be infatuated with the hot water pipe especially.