Thanks mom for posting some of the new guys but you forgot a couple and I felt obligated on their behalf to make sure their pictures made it to the blog as well.
Some of these are not as new as the others but they haven't had their faces grace the blog yet so they are new in my photo post world.
Ollie - our newest and now third recent beagle rescued (including Jake and Luke). Ollie is the widest of the three and also the happiest. He reminds me the most of Copper.
and Salty one of the smallest dogs now at saints although I think Roxy might be smaller she certainly is more dangerous.
Scratch, is a senior who was a cruelty sezuire due to medial neglect. He is a huge lazy bed potatoe and has been at saints for just over a month now.
Here he is this weekend with his new best friend, Carol!
Here is the new shy senior tabby, Rose
I looked through and could not find Luke either so I have added him too! He has had a dental since this photo and now only has one of these cute little fangs. The one is now more an endearing snaggle tooth. Cute, sweet and calm little guy except when food comes out ... then he morphs into a barking machine screaming "food food food, yay, feed me I am starving!" (typical beagle). ... nevermind I did find him in a post from a few months back. Oh well. I will leave him on here since he is so cute.
And lastly, believe it or not I don't think a photo of chevy has been posted yet? At least not by me anyways. He has been with us since the Summer. He sure is a handsome little guy:
and while I am at it here are a few other photos.
Do you remember Carol mentioning how the dogs were digging holes and laying in them?
Well here is June laying in her whole and looking pretty darn proud of herself! lol too funny.
Here is a really nice picture of ziggy from saturday. You can see the little mark on his nose - thats ring worm. Hoping to get rid of this nuisance soon!
Here is Carol doing the dreaded barn bedtime! I was being very unhelpful and just taking pictures. The sheep are so nice and so easy. I would support Carol doing a sheep only rescue.
Here is Mystic playing with her "dead rabbit" stuffie on the afternoon field run with Luna running along side her.
and finally here is a picture of Slyvester in his new home on day one. What a great cat and we are happy he has found a dream home. Yay happy tails!
Thank you Jen - these made me smile and some laugh out loud - love the Snaggle tooth comment - Love Ollie too - I love hounds too much :)