occasionally one of the dogs will steal and eat my slippers (ok..so mystic has done it a few more times than occasionally.)
I have to say that gerty is the first dog to actually try to eat the slipper with my foot still in it. usually the dogs wait until I am no longer wearing it.
gerty is a very special dog,,,she is a soft and floppy puffalump with a helium balloon for a brain.
her best friend is one eyed mini t-rex and her second best friend in a 160 pound giant white mountain of a dog who doesn't even know she exists.
she will cuddle and play with strangers and then suddenly attack their face, not that she can ever get her mouth close enough to actually bite because her face is concaved.
when she sleeps, she sleeps on her back with her legs splayed out like some kind of lifeless stuffed toy. there are times she feels like she doesn't have a single bone in her body, she is just that stuffie soft.
I am pretty sure I have never in my life met a dog so utterly and innocently clueless..and i am also sure she has some kind of doggy-downs syndrome thing too.
but man is she cute. one second she is killing the slippered foot and the next second she is flopped over and unconscious for a heartbeat or two (just like if she had narcolepsy) and by the fourth second she is wake and up again, getting roxy to clean the sleepy dust from her eyes.
anyway..I don't get why no one has scooped her up yet... I guess it might be the face biting thing but she can't even do that really right.
awww thanks Brenda