cuz I am freezing and want to have a hot bath!
tedz is on cardiac meds and more antibiotics..we will see if that helps clear out the fluid in his chest.
i think luna was fairly decent least I did not get a failed again report card on her behavior today.
pepper after having become the poor little victim of luna yesterday became the dick headed jackass of today when he bit michelle badly tonight. that dog's head is not screwed on very tight.
pac had a good day...he had a bit of barn time and then went back to work with me after lunch. we stopped at bosleys and I let him shop to his hearts content..he is a bit of a shopaholic but he picked out some pretty fun stuff.
jesse was apparently falling down quite a lot at bedtime...hoping he just over did it today in his need for weekend fun! we will see how he is tomorrow after he has a good rest.
boomer really is a doorknob..that dog is so immersed in the pack mentality mind set. I had to call him off of pac at least four times during the evening run..he thinks that because he was here first that makes him better then someone else. not likely boom...pac is ten times the bigger dog because he knows how to behave A LOT better than a doorknob! bath, here I come!
shit! tess can't stand tonight..did anyone notice if she was having any more than usual mobility problems today?
someone found it and put it on the counter for me...YAY!