Post by Erin, logged in as Carol, so yes, it says Carol. But it isnt.
My mom grows pot plants on her balcony. Not to sell, just for herself. I think this is a justified illegal activity. Why? Because she has 4 kids, the oldest of whom is me, isnt she lucky, the youngest is 16 and severely autistic. She has an ex husband, a dead husband and a new boyfriend. She works full time and has no money. So if she wants to get high sometimes, really, who gives a shit? I dont walk in her shoes, so how can I judge? Know what else is a justified illegal activity? Stealing traffic cones for a retired police dog to play with. Yes, I did that. Though, I did have a partner in crime didnt I, Lynne? Way I figure it, I pay the city via my tax dollars. So, I technically bought those damn pylons right? And I think Pac should have them. Done deal. And I dont even feel bad about it.
So, there wont be any nightly updates, unless Carol calls me later on about something really interesting, which hopefully doesnt happen, cause things worth phoning about are usually bad things. And I just got off the phone with her touching base on her way home from work, yep, she talks on her cell while driving, speaking of illegal things. I dont think we will ever be able to convince her to at least go hands free. Know why? Cause Carol cant be bothered to. Connecting to bluetooth, charging the device, its outside her realm of give-a-shit. She is too bloody busy. I cant even wrap my head around what she deals with in a day. Sometimes we have dying animals. Sometimes she has dying people at work. Sometimes she has to hold the hand of a patient and admit them into palliative care. Sometimes that patient is a middle aged mom with two kids under 5. Sometimes she has to stroke the face of a furry friend in the back room of a vet hospital while they pass away. Sometimes she does these things on the same day! And on top of that she is responsible for 120 other animals at home. Home. I call it Saints, or work, or an animal sanctuary, depending on who Im talking to. But she calls it home. I cannot even begin to fathom the amount of responsibility this woman shoulders. Shit, maybe my mom could give Carol a few pointers on how to make life easier! Kidding. Kinda.
Ok, updates. Work has begun in the computer room. Vern (the worker guy) cut himself a hole through the outside run and is hauling stuff back and forth. Way better than a lawsuit after being eaten by a certain hairless husky who lives right smack in the middle of everywhere anyone needs to go. I need to remember not to let the dogs out into the yard! Twice today I forgot, bad me. Because the computer room door is all plasticked off, Vern leaves the outside run door (and giant hole in wire) wide open, so the dogs could, theoretically, go around and into the computer room and eat him there. And by dogs I mean Odie. Not Benny. Not Phoebes. Not Squirt. Odie. Displaced Conan becomes a total barbarian when he gets into the catnip, Cocoa found that one out the hard way today. Conan totally hogged the whole thing, it is usually the other jerk Fritz and Jet who play in the catnip. But I dont want to move Cocoa, that is his side and Preacher is on the other side...lesser of the two evils? Maybe I should move Conan in with Preacher, that might work. Or else someone will bleed. But, I dont want Conan going outside in the run and not coming back in. Hmm, I will run it by Carol tomorrow, see what she says. At Saints its way easier to just think out loud, so different angles get seen. June and Luna-tunes were snuggle muffins today. Cute. Jamie took Kirk in to the vet, couple more things to try to stop that pesky diarrhea before the dreaded steroids get prescribed. Some big adoptions looming on the horizon, (big as in super-exciting), fingers crossed they all work out as well as Kirk and Nickie have.
Thats it, blog-cherry officially popped. What did you think? Anybody count f-bombs? You should. Yep, check twice.
Marvelous blog, Erin, you are a natural! And your mom sounds awesome - good for her!