Rescue Journal

searching for the right combinations

Carol  ·  Feb. 24, 2014

apparently it was a horrible mess by the time the staff got in today...between me blocking off half the room with roxy's fence and way too many dogs squished into my room during was a total and complete disaster.

so since our contractor is away for a week and the room is habitable now..we moved in tess, ewok, buddy and I am thinking of trying to move owen over too. that should help for a bit the extra congestion in my bedroom. I also set up some cat shelves and beds and brought back tang, morgan and conan..(but not fairlane yet, he is ok where he is for now.) that meant I could open up the cat room doors again which gives all of those guys more freedom too.

BUT NO ONE is to OPEN that door directly to the outside (in fact, I have taped it up to remind everyone.) the dogs will have to be taken out thru the kitchen for now..odie will have to be moved over to the dog yard when they are going thru. once the cat run is finished (and I am changing my mind on how that will be too) then it will be safe to let the dogs in and out directly from that room.

erin? if you could please get someone to help you bring over that nice new big cat post in the shop pen and put into the yellow room for the cats..they would be really happy! (it was too heavy and awkward for me to do on my own tonight.)...oh and maybe one more covered cat box too please and THANK YOU!

I am still working on my ever changing list of who will end up living where here. so freaking many things to consider...who is an ass, who is a victim, who is rock solid, who likes or doesn't like cats, who is a toy freak, who needs special food, who absolutely needs to be near me, who is blind and bumbles around and who might that bumbling piss off...who likes whom and who hates whom, and who are the ill mannered couch eating louts (mystic, luna and maybe boomer and june!)

my head is swirling with all of the possiblilties of personality combinations that do or do not work very well.


bambi had a routine vet check, Bernie had a dental with 2 extractions and preacher is dripping blood from his urethra so he needed checking out too. brad pitt's tongue is sticking out to the side today..not sure if his tusks are starting to bother him but we will watch him to see if it continues. gilbert is losing more hair..not sure if his bloodwork is back yet but I better call to find out. flicka seems to be recovering well from her nasal infection so that is good news. rosie has been moved over to the holding pen in the mp cat room and should be ready to venture forth very soon.

and that I think is all of the news.



Nice new cat post for that nice new room, good idea! There's also a nice little bookshelf behind the staff table in the shop, interested in that too once the room is done? Imagine, books on a shelf...:)