Post by Erin. Didja miss me?
First, Lynne texted me late last night, Nickie is still a bit wobbly, but is doing well. She is up walking around, even went outside under her own power to poop. So, thats fantastic. Vestibular attacks are horrific, its scary to watch and must be terrifying to live through. Last night Carol and I went to K9H20 in Abbotsford. Its run by a lady named Kendall De Menech. I first met Kendall when Carol made the life-altering decision to step in and help Frankie the paralyzed pitbull I mentioned earlier. I say life altering because that helping hand kept a man and his dog together.
It strengthened their bond, and they are best friends still. Kendall helped Frankie through months of hydro therapy. Swimming is great exercise for animals, Pac seemed to really like it. Alot less stress on joints in the water. I brought 4 tennis balls with me, none of them made it home. Well worth the sacrifice I think. Plus, he fell asleep in the front seat of my truck on the way home. And he snores. I LOVE a snoring dog! I think it would be fair to say that Luna has never swam before. She was pretty scared, but with Kendalls patience and confidence Luna did really well. It was great to see the bond between Luna and Carol, as Carol became Lunas focal point going round and round the pool. I suggested Luna for swimming because I thought it would be nice for her to have some special time that was all her own with Carol. Also, Luna would have to be calm and listen, and she did, amazingly well.
Oh, and thankyou to whoever set up the SAINTS logo beside each comment now - the other kaleidoscopes were making me dizzy