having integrity in rescue is more about the things you can't do rather than the things you can do. and it's more about the things you have to do vs. the things you want to do.
there are a dozen pain in the ass dogs here that i really could do without. but it was two of the sweetest and easiest dogs that i sent out to a new home.
i miss bambi...5 years of loving that dog when not a single person ever inquired about giving her a home. i would introduce her to people and tell them she was such a great dog, but no one ever took the time to get to know her very well.
you think after 5 years of loving them and they loving you back that they are here forever. but they aren't. if the right home comes, you pack them up and they go and you do not even think twice about holding them back.
there are dogs who absolutely have to live here...dogs like andy and squirt. and there are dogs who would choose to live here, like mystic and boomer. and there are dogs who are too dangerous not to live here like puff or too close to the end of their roads like jerry and tina and jess.
and bambi did not fit into any of that. bambi fit into the...needs/deserves/wants/has enough time/will do fine with...a really good home.
bye bambi..i love you and will miss you.
oh freaking well.
in rescue you never put your own needs before those of the animals. you make every attempt to find the honest right and then follow thru with the right. i have adopted animals out to people that i really did not like very much...we were like oil and water, not a very smooth, consistent mix. but my feelings had nothing to do with how the animal would feel in living in that home...if it was a good home, if it was the right home then the animal got a good new home...end of story on this.
luckily i really like bambi's and bernie's new home and she really liked us too. i look forward to happy updates, to knowing our girls are happy and well loved...to not just knowing but thru continued sharing....i did right by them.
oh well...i will miss bambi. sadly i will most likely never miss puff being that integrity in rescue is what it is.
I'm taking Puff out for a car ride on Sunday. I only learned recently that he really enjoys those?