Rescue Journal

quick updates

Carol  ·  Apr 10, 2014

it was a better day yesterday..most likely because i was away from here. apparently work has its uses....nothing like a day with people with bigger problems than me to put stuff into perspective.

yesterday was mostly just dealing with the vets over fosters via telephone tag in between my clients...shelby, mama mia and yoda were all in for various things and needed a bit of medical care planning, all of them are heading back to their foster homes.

from the staff notes there is some minor stuff going on around here..owen has a bad ear, jerry looks like he is starting with a bit of a nasal infection, lola had diarrhea and desi is not eating great again...all need some interventions but no huge life threatening disasters so that is good.

thats is pretty much all of the news.



quick updates: it was a better day yesterday..most likely because i was away from here. apparently work has it...