the newest saints book arrived came out really well...great animals...great photos! i brought in 4 for saints and three for the pub night auction. if anyone wants to have a look at it, i left one copy on top of the toaster oven in the kitchen.
max and luke have gone off into foster care with mary and micky...they have already posted some pics of everyone having their first afternoon nap together as a family on facebook...too cute!
lola has a wound on her leg...might be from one of her tumors breaking down..or might be from jazz. the more i think about it, i am thinking of jazz.
princess got up on her own last night and toddled outside for her final pee...looks like she is finally on the full road to recovery.
shep is settling in well for his extended visit...he is such a very good dog.
everyone seems to be ok for now..jess has his ups and downs but that is pretty normal now for him.
still waiting on my grass seed to start sprouting...a little bit more rain please!
Hope lola is feeling better sweet baby girl