
Thank you to all our amazing supporters and volunteers!!!

Sheila  ·  Apr. 27, 2014

This is our 5th year of doing this event. For the fifth year in a row it is the volunteers of SAINTS who really help to make this such a successful event. They go out and hound their friends and family for pledges and buy up the bulk of tickets for the pub event and give me great silent auction items. I can't thank you all enough for always making this such a successful event. Together we raised $12,400!!



Great Job Sheila n Leila !!

Great people do great things ..SAINTS is blessed with lots of great people and animals.


That's wonderful Lynn said, so nice to see and meet so many people at the Pub who were there for SAINTS


wow awesome ditto to anns comment. and u too ann for all your hard work. had a great time its always a good time when around people who love all the animals.and want to support saints.