Wishes 4 Whiskers Annual Charity Dinner & Auction
Sheila · Jul 11, 2014
This will be our 8th Gala but it will also but a celebration of SAINTS 10th year anniversary!!!
It will be at a new location this year ....
Date: Saturday October 4th, 2014 at 6 PM
Place: Delta Burnaby Hotel & Conference Centre
4331 Dominion Street, Burnaby BC
(just off Highway 1 near Willingdon Exit)
Tickets:$75 per person or $500 for a table of 8
Contact: Sheila Kullar at
I am looking for silent auction items. If you know of anyone who you think will donate please send them my way. Below are the links to the poster and donation form that can printed off
About the gala 2014...I've tried to send you a few E-Mail's both to your lumber yard address and the to and have had no luck ...
Is it possible that I've done something incorrect..Mmind you I had John send the last one ..he is my tech guy...
Thank you in Advance.
Cathie K.