Erin, staff person extraordinaire posted the above on facebook. I love this poster because I think it, with a couple of sentences and a picture conveys what SAINTS is all about. And from here I will segue into Wishes 4 Whiskers
The Wishes 4 Whiskers Charity Dinner & Silent Auction is SAINTS' biggest fundraiser of the year. Every year we rely on the money from that event to pay off vet bills. So yes the event is about raising money. BUT there is another very important reason this event needs to be successful to us staff, volunteers and the animals. As Carol said in 2011 on this blog the gala " is also about having a full house for our animals who would like to have a full house of folks caring about them... it has got to be great feel good karma to send their way to know so may people actually care". This is the one time in a year that the staff and volunteers are able to come together in one room with the donors and supporters of SAINTS and truly celebrate SAINTS.
This year is our 10th anniversary and I won't bore you with the many behind the scene issues I am having this year. But what I will do is ask people to start thinking about buying a ticket this event or sponsoring a table. If that is too costly for you, think about downloading our poster and emailing it to your friends and family. You would be surprised at how using your computer can gain SAINTS some donations. Think about a gift you received that wasn't quite you and is still sitting in its box or bag and consider donating to our event. This year we will be celebrating 10 years of SAINTS at the event. Help us make that celebration memorable.
PS We have a new location this year. The Burnaby Delta Hotel (off Highway 1 near Willingdon and Canada Way)
Hi Adam
We have a silent auction and some of the items that will be available are a mini apple IPAD, Vancouver Hockey tickets for 2cat trees, dog beds, jewelry, gift baskets with movie theme, reading theme, dog and cat them baskets, food baskets etc. jewelry, $100 gift cards to Olive Garden Restaurant, Cactus Club, and Save on Foods, household items such as a large roaster dishes, and wine glasses. Our live auction is reserved for our ribbon sponsorships.