Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Aug 25, 2014

i took dude into the vets first thing this morning..he did not eat or drink at all over his first two days here. poor little bugger is running a very high (105) fever so it is no wonder he feels like crap. they have given him a antibiotic injection and are pumping him up with fluids. his blood work should be back by tomorrow and then we can hopefully come up with an effective treatment plan.

the last of our tardy new sheep are here..what started out as a search for 1 or 2 sheep to rescue to keep annie company when baby finally passes...somehow turned into 6 sheep with alice, dolly and the twin babes. oh well...they all needed in. saints welcomes zoey and zena into our care. this sheep inn is full.

actually we are full everywhere sure doesn't take long once the flood gates are opened briefly. the last two dogs we are awaiting arrival on are the 2 ancient shitz's whose owner has already moved overseas. they will be arriving after the labor day weekend...their temporary caregiver has been phoning hoping for a spot for them every couple of weeks. quite frankly i got tired of saying not yet....i was starting to feel mean.

also the first of our 2 new FeLV cats arrives this evening...the 2nd i think is coming sometime later this week. and then that is one else has been promised a space. time to let everyone chill out and settle in for a while. a constant stream of new intakes can be disrupting for everyone here....we all need a rest break.

rio was finally introduced to the went fine. this is good because i want everyone off the upper field so it can refresh itself before winter comes and everyone is stuck up top until spring.

we are slowly intro'ing squirt into my bedroom in the hopes of moving rudi over here. i will let him back to sleep in the kitchen tonight because we do have the time to do the switch slowly so as not to stress him unduly. no rush, and it is better to give squirt some time to adjust.

that's all the updates i can think of tonight...everyone else seems to be doing ok.



he is here to stay sheryl..he can be a bit of a dweeb with over his own true love dixie but its manageable because rudy and raven keep away from his girl.


Has Rio settled in well enough that he won't have to go back for boarding to the stable he came from?