Animal Updates

Spot update

Ali  ·  Jan. 4, 2015

Dear Carol and everyone at SAINTS,

Here we are at the end of December just having celebrated having Spot in our family for 5 (!) years. We have loved every minute with him and hope for many more years to enjoy our sweet, funny Spot!

One of the things that makes us laugh nearly every day is the endless positions he finds to nap in. Here are a couple of the dozens of pictures we have of him in one of these crazy poses. And, how do we know an eyeless dog is sleeping? Spot has a snore that could wake the dead!


2014 started out with a lot of football! Turns out our Terriers are BIG Seahawks fan. After all, a winning season was a great excuse for 2 people and 3 dogs to spend more time on the sofa than usual! We’re all happy the Hawks are doing well again this year….more couch potato time!


After being diagnosed with Lymphangiectasia in November 2013, Spot has bounced back fairly well. He is enjoying a custom, homemade diet and the smallest possible amount of prednisone to keep the disease in check and his weight up. He had his annual cardiology exam this summer and while his heart disease continues to progress slowly, he is still not on any medication related to it. We’re very thankful that he’s doing so well given all the health issues he’s faced. Spot continues to win the hearts of all that have the chance to meet him. Below is a picture of Spot’s cardiologist who came running out of the clinic after his visit to say one more goodbye. And in another photo the receptionist at our vet held him on her lap after he finished a blood draw while we were in another room with one of our other dogs. Sometimes I actually have a hard time getting them to give him back to me. J


Spot’s fur doesn’t grow as well as it once did due to some of his health issues. As a result of bumping into things because of his blindness and the fact that his hair doesn’t grow back well, he had developed a small bald spot on his forehead. So this summer I decided to put my DIY skills to work and make him his own “white cane” (made with zip ties) so he could sense obstacles before he hit them. While my “invention” didn’t work very well (not enough “feedback”) we found a product on the internet called the “halo.” Spot has spent quite a bit of time in it over the holidays and is tuning into the purpose. Scott has been developing a lighter weight version which we hope to trial soon. The halo name is apropos though as we definitely think of him as an angel sent into our lives.


Even though Spot came into our house many years after our other dogs and they weren’t super happy to have a third to share with, all have learned to coexist <mostly> peacefully and sometimes even with a snuggle.


Thanking you once again for saving Spot,

Lynne & Scott



I just saw it too, lovely update, a true happy tail! Love the photos especially the bum in the air - priceless!


How in the world did I miss this post until just now. Gosh how wonderful to see Spot & hear how well he is doing & how loved he is. The napping pics are great ( so are the other pics ) , feel free to send more...they bring a big smile to my face & I am sure many others. See Spot run, see Spot love. Bless you guys for giving him the very best home .

another Doreen

What a great write-up!
Seems like Spot landed in a great home! I've seen the Halos on the Internet! I'm glad people are making more mobility aids for disabled pets!
Interesting theory on his history. I have a little dog who was dumped (also in Chilliwack) and I have a few theories about his past too. He obviously had a decent home that he liked at some part of his life, but ended up at Animal Control terribly skinny and needing major dental work. I guess we will never know their whole stories and can only speculate and love them.
Thank you for sharing his update!


Based on Spot's training and demeanor, we have a theory that he may have been abandoned not by his owners but by someone close to them, perhaps the kid of an elderly owner when they learned the cost of dealing with his eye disease. Of course, we have no way of knowing the truth but we feel certain someone loved him very much at one time. And, yes, karma is going to be doing overtime with the person who did do it...

laura b

Wow 5 years.....Spot was so special when he came to us all those years ago, we all loved him! I still follow him on his facebook page.....thrilled you found each other :-)


spot came from chilliwack animal control..they told me witnesses saw him dumped out of a truck in tim hortons parking lot that just left that poor little blind dog there all alone and drove away. has a pretty darn great life now...wonder what the life of the folks who abandoned him is like today?
karma might suck badly.


What a heart-warming story! Congratulations and best wishes to ALL of you.