people for the ethical treatment of animals.
I am so confused by this organization and lately I find that I do not like their internet posts showing up on my newsfeed.
why? is a gut thing. in my mind, their name is becoming a lie. their words are in conflict with their actions and behaviors.
their websites say that eating, wearing dead animals is wrong. their websites say that animals are living, breathing sentinent beings who have a right to life not exploited by humans.
so why is this organization accused of taking dogs and cats from shelters, even puppies and kittens...of luring them off of their family porches and killing them? why are there photos of dead shelter animals dumped in dumpsters as the peta folks leave town having come and done their job of "rescuing" them?
a post on the internet said when 2 of their employees were caught on security cameras removing a family dog from her porch. at first they denied it, but once they knew their staff and van had been caught on camera..their lawyer phoned the family and said their dog was already dead...and PETA sent a fruit basket to the family to send their regrets? this cannot possibly be true...can it?
people for the ethical treatment of animals...there is that word again..ethics...what does it mean?
unfortunately, it can and does mean many things to many people.
here is my take on the ethics surrounding animals and humans...ask the animals...what do I think they would say?
its a no brainer...
if they could speak they would say what every single living human would say...don't eat us...don't wear us...don't hurt us or make us suffer every day...and don't kill us just because YOU think we are better off that way.
PETA is an abolishionist organization. Euthanization and extinction is their core value and mandate. They want all companion and domestic animals to die out, and for humans to have no contact with any wild sentient beings.
They don't advertise this explicitly because they know most people would be repulsed by it, including their donors and celebrities who support them publicly. Their welfare and advocacy work is admirable, but it is just a means to an end.