the shop is finally clean..michelle and I finished up the last bits after we were done with bedtime chores. one full week of god only knows how many man hours to force that building into some sort of cohesive organization that actually makes sense.
my deepest gratitude to those of you who came out to help me tame this beast..there is no way on this earth that I could have done all of that on my own and been alive at the end of thank you all so very much!!!!
floor layers are starting tomorrow..that opens a whole new can of worms around here. I am totally dreading it but it will be good once it is pain no gain. but quite frankly I am currently tired of how painful some things actually are.
poor capone...his leg is so not good. I am thinking that really we will have to put him on six weeks of cage rest if we want it to heal...if we are unwilling to do this, we should let him go, so I am opting for the cage rest...starting as soon as the floors are done.
doc is still not well..the vets were out on Saturday and he has pneumonia. he was given an anti-inflammatory and a long acting antibiotic injection...but he is not bouncing back. I will call them to come out again tomorrow and see what else we can try for him.
mystic was shaved was a lot of work and time involved but Nicole got it done. thank you so much Nicole, she will feel so much better now. mystic was a very, very good girl.
diesel is back and settling in well...I sure he is regretting screwing up that perfect home, but he seems accepting that he is back.
that bloody 18 year old moron oliver, gave me the slip today and had me running down the street in hot pursuit when he decided he was not near done with romping around yet. mo was watching from the barn and was worried I would drop dead from a heart attack...have to admit it crossed my mind too. but ancient oliver had not a care in the world..apparently he is immortal and can run as fast and as far as he pleases.
both duke and cleopatra are still caged until after their testing but both are eating, coming up for purrs and pets so that is good.
kyah is settling altho she did get one bite in today...since it was a visiting rescuer (and rescuers are used to these kind of things) it wasn't a very big deal. still we will have to watch her carefully when less experienced visitors are touring around and stick out a "hello there little dog" finger...or else..ouch!
ok I better hit the hay...big not fun day tomorrow.
if its any consolation, i took oliver for a walk this morning and
he looked a bit stiff in his hips, so maybe he over did it yesterday.
he had no interest in running