gilligans blood work is is better than last time around and everything is within normal limits. he still has a trace of protein in his urine but that is also improved. I talked to his new mom today, and while he has found his "safe" place in the house, he is not the least bit interested yet in checking out the rest of the house. apparently his new dad slept with him in the family room last night so Gilligan was not afraid all by himself.
tia has a nice family coming to meet her, the staff gave her a nice bath and brush out in anticipation of meeting her potential new family..we will see how that pans out.
diesel has bloody diarrhea...might be from eating plastic bits of his pool....dumbo. he is starting on flagyl and we will see how he does.
capone did get up this morning but has refused to get up since..i will try him again in a little while and see how he does.
duke and Cleopatra had their viral testing today...once it is back, duke can begin transitioning out of his cage. cleo might be a while longer as she is still upset...I am thinking she might do better over in the medical room but we'll see.
lyle came out and used the big machines to spread new gravel and hog fuel to help clean up the soggy barn looks way nicer out there now but I think it was a really tough day for kevin with moving everyone around.!
I think we are going to start shifting some things around with the goal to get 36 yr old katy out here..her blood work is back...there are some minor changes but the two that concern me are an elevated calcium level (which could be a sign of cancer) and a low CPK which is most likely from muscle wasting, she has been super picky lately and the boarding facility staff have twisted themselves up into pretzles to encourage her to eat but despite all of their best efforts she has not been cooperating and is not eating all that great. the vets think if we bring her home it will be easier for both us and for them to moniter her more closely.
anyway..bottom line...we are going to need some help to get an appropriate, safe area set up for her. we will have to install a couple of gates and move the portable fencing from charlottes old area to katy's new area. sounds like we need a "lets bring katy home" work party *(with a couple of handy tool toting men) anyone able to help us with this? this weekend or next?
sweet girl.
Nice pic of you & her Carol