Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Jul 16, 2015

rosie is doing well..she was able to take a few steps at the vets today. just waiting for her to finally have a poop and then hopefully she can come home fri or sat. if it is Saturday, I am working...would any of our regular volunteers be able to pick her up in abbotsford and bring her to saints for me?

I am very worried about Harley, her bloodsugars are out of control, her urine is full of sugar and ketones, she looks and feels like crap and is totally lethargic. while I have been betting that altho groot was neutered when he had his way with her, I was thinking that a couple of sneaky viable sperm were in hiding and made it thru. but at her vet visit today, another possibility raised its fearsome head...pyometria..not an open one because there is no drainage or fever but a closed one waiting to blow because apparently dogs can develop pyometria after sex! we sent off bloodwork and did xrays...while the xrays did not exactly show an enlarged uterus, they were very weird and inconclusive..they did show what possibly appeared to be a grossly enlarged pancrease and liver or spleen with her large bowel shoved way out of position so something for sure is going on inside abcessing uterus makes the most sense.

I am to phone first thing in the morning for when her blood work is back...we may be rushing her in for emergency surgery. in the mean time she is on huge doses of baytil 300mg twice a day. I already gave her the frst dose at 3 pm, the vet said I can give the second dose early at midnight and then fast her until we know if she is having surgery.

as much as I was going to kill myself if it was puppies, puppies would have been better.

we couldn't spay or abort because her bloodsugars are so out of control and now maybe we will have to do a very risky surgery with her out of control blood sugars anyway.

she is so is breaking all of our hearts here. keep positive thoughts for Harley please...normally she is a total blind busy body pain in the ass but all of us love her dearly and want her to be a pain in the ass again.

the new broken kitten, addie is doing really well...she is a sweet little thing and settling in, motoring around the cat rooms under supervision for now.

two new saints today...15 yr old mischief and 8 yr old jiggy are two little mid-old fart friends surrendered to the spca because the family no longer wanted them. they need dentals, neuters, and they both have bad knees..jiggy is a black pomerainian and mischief is a somewhat baldish red pom they both appear to be very sweet.



she will be available for adoption once she is spayed and we understand the extent of her disability.


Carol will Addy be available for adoption at some time? Or just sponsorship?

I am very interested in that little girl.


she is doing really well...she is happy, playful, no longer suffering in agony with her ears. no need to worry.


Hi carol, could I get an update on Zae? I hope everything is going well,I was just wondering what her days look like, has she been swimming? I hope she is able to play with and hang out with some of the animals, or at least has made a good buddy to keep her company :) have you found anything new medically? I know we were to,d that she might have an underlying condition so I've been quite worried, I really hope that her ears are the worst of it, she's been through enough with them. If you have any pics hanging around that would be amazing :) please give her lots of love love from us, we miss her so much, I keep wondering if it's ever going to get any easier... But she's in such an amazing place with you guys and that really helps a lot. I hope everything's going okay ,
Anyways thank you again so much for getting her better and taking such great care of her,


Prayers sent for Harley - please get better sweetheart - really, after all she's been thru and come thru??


I can go pick up Rosie after I am done on Saturday in MP and bring her home to saints. Let me know