Rescue Journal

the long road

Carol  ·  Jul 23, 2015

we live in a world where we want what we want as quick as we can. we want to get where ever we are going as fast as possible. we are also somewhat like animals in that we live for today..with little thought of tomorrow but maybe too many thoughts of yesterday.

rescue is like that. we cripple ourselves carrying around a life time of grudges, we exhaust ourselves running for the finish line to pick up our blue ribbon without having taken the time to learn the lay of the land. we bought those cute air bubble runners and the flattering form fitting shorts and tank, donned the skull and cross bones sweat band that proclaims our seriousness and we packed with 10 pounds of blame and rage our distressed looking fanny packs.

when the starting gun goes we knock each other over and down to reach the front of the eager beaver keener pack.

at mile one we chuckle at the downed idiots who had no business even contemplating joining the run, by mile 10 we are hip checking to the ground those stupid stubborn bastards who have not really earned the right to run. as we stride towards the 100 mile mark, everyone hates us but we don't care because we are strong and we are smart and we have already "been there and everywhere." up ahead we see the sign for 110 miles and suddenly remember, we forgot to grab our water bottle, someone sleazy jerk must have taken it so we aren't to blame.

the road is littered by bodies with broken silly dreams, with bodies sore and sweating screaming in frustrated rage and blame, and others trying to find someone dumb enough to suck in to run together and share their drink.

rescue is a long road, not a race but a journey. there is no finish line, there is no blue ribbon, these were never fact just things of human wishful thinking.
rescue is a hard road but one that can be filled with beauty.
and rescue is a lonely road, the only way to travel it safely is with personal insight, responsibility and a very strong dose of integrity.

the road will not accept any run it carefully and gently.



very true and thanks for the good laugh and visuals. I actually pictured the race, fanny packs and all LOL