Rescue Journal

tigger died today

Carol  ·  Jul 28, 2015

he was fine one moment and not the next. I was at work and renee rushed him down to the vets. the vet said he basically had a large aortic stroke, threw a clot that lodged in his spine, causing him to suddenly lose the use of his hind legs.
Tigger was somewhere between 18-20 years old...he was a really, really old cat.
but he loved living on the kitchen counter, close to the fridge and his beloved bowls of milk and with very easy access to an affectionate head bump, a hug, a kiss and a pat from all passer-bys.

love you tigger, we will all miss you, you were a very special guy.


Heather MacNeill

Aww, I really fell in love with this little guy, seeing him online and then at the open house. Had to bite my tongue during the tour so I wouldn't tear up when we were told he (and Shep) were on the "watch" list. I wish I could have met him sooner so that maybe I could've taken him home if it was possible. RIP Tigger.
Thank you all for everything you do. Beyond amazing...

lynne arnason

will miss u tigger you did love your head rubs and wont be the same without you there rip little guy

Carol A.

What a beautiful boy! And what a lucky guy to have the perfect hangout close to everyone and everything he loved. Theyy all have such sweetness to them..


I (and he) always looked foreword to spending time together on Suday's (he would always get extra helpings of treats. loved that little guy. He will be missed


he was sleeping in his basket when i was there earlier. so crazy how quickly things change at saints.
He was such a sweet guy.


What a very cute picture. He seems to be saying - Hello look at me.