Rescue Journal

good day=a quiet night

Carol  ·  Nov 22, 2015

beautiful sunny day today..a bit chilly but no one really seemed to care. we had a great tour group thru..oakley was in heaven out at the barn with tons of people to pet her!
shyla's second day was also dogs and barns are such a great one can be glum when there is poop to roll in...such great k9 fun!

i did not get out to the cottage which sucked because the temperature is going to plummet drastically in the next few days. maybe if we aren't too busy, i can slip away from work tomorrow a few minutes early and zip out to drain out the pipes..hope floats that i can.

the great news today is our little multi-thousand dollar broken legged rosalee moved on to her very own forever home today. she is going to be so well loved and no one will ever hurt her again. yay rosie!

thats it for the news..everyone is well worn out from a happy day and snoozing. i rhink i will take this very quiet and peaceful opportunity to soak my poor sore ankle in a really hot bath!



So happy for Rosalee....hope we get an update soon....she was eager to head out to the Okanagan with her new mom today - and she has another schnauzer brother waiting for her at home. So lovely....