kassa blanka likes popcorn...a lot. so do cassie, shyla, big buddy, jada, miley and mickey but not as much as kassa likes it! i finally just emptied the bag on the floor and let them have a popcorn hunt...pretty sure they got it all at least i can't see any they left behind.
we were babysitting one of my nursing friends newly adopted senior cat from the maple ridge spca..they were doing a family vacation in mexico for a week. kiwi had a meltdown and stopped eating when she got here. there was no way i was letting my co-worker's new cat die of fatty liver disease while they were gone so we shoved appetite stimulants into her and got her eating again. anyway, she went home tonight (thank gawd!) and amanda gave me a huge bunch of lovely flowers as a thank you. i didn't have anything big enough to put the flowers into and i searched all thru the house and shop. i finally found an unused purple barn bucket that would do. then i couldn't find one single spot to safely rest the bucket of flowers in the house so i ended up putting them out in the front cat run on the shelf.
and my point is...i now have sunk so below normal that i who can solve all kinds of weird and complex problems can't find a single way to have fresh flowers in my home..how freaking sad is that?
its really freaking sad.
however..i did the best i could with what i had and sadly learned that beautiful flowers are apparently stressful to rescuers so maybe buy them baileys or a lotto ticket instead.
charlie has been cleared for his dental. chicklet needs further testing for cushings before she can be cleared.
speaking of horticulture...i need some quotes from remedial landscaping companies..the front yard is beyond muddy disgusting and we have a very real drainage problem out there. so if anyone knows anyone they can recommend, please send me the contact info..i would really appreciate that!
those flowers look sad out there in the run, i meant to move them inside today but forgot. maybe if they are still alive tomm...