Rescue Journal

sorry for the lack of communication these past couple of days

Carol  ·  Feb 28, 2016

A. i have been exhausted
B. i have been busy
C. my ankle is really bugging me and interferring with pretty much everything
and D. i was too tired and sore to think of anything intelligent to say (not that this has stopped me from blogging before...i believe once years ago, i wrote an entire post about "soggy foot" the results of wearing rubber boots on a farm...not highly intellectual.

the good news is...shyla has a phenomenal home, she willing be leaving us on march 4th. yay shyla! yay ian and mary and cricket!
we just have to do the home check and if all is well..little tiny totally wrecked mickey also has an incredible home eagerly awaiting him!
and lastly but equally wonderful...we will be the new legal owners of ma and her three baby sheep. ma is being given to us and we are purchasing the babies. it satisfies my need to keep them all together as a family and place them in a forever great home and it satisfies the needs of the family in terms of the requirements of obtaining farm status, which is making at least a minimal income from farming.
and finally it satisfies this little sheep family's need to have a wonderful/trauma-free, stable and predictable life.

wow..what do you know..finally... a multitude of happily ever after stories!!!



and the as yet unmentioned added benefit to Mickey getting a great home is that Carol will get her bed back and no longer have to sleep on the floor!!!!
Yay for Carol!!!!

Brenda much good news.... very happy for Shyla..and little Mickey - and the best news about the sheep family! I had never held a baby lamb, or fed one a bottle until today; and I will never forget of the most awesome moments I've experienced at Saints. Thank you Mama Mia for sharing Little, Bo, and Peep with me today.


Yay Shyla - yay Mickey - and yay Ma, Little, Bo & Beep!!!!! Saw the babies today, they are SO adorable. So much good news in one day. Carol, I bet your post on "soggy foot" was hilarious, if not intellectual....