Rescue Journal

jada's second chance

Carol  ·  Mar 1, 2016

jada is still with us. yesterday was a pins and needles day..waiting for that xray which would tell us if there was any visible on xray spread of her cancer. the xray was clear so the vets began the exploratory surgery to make sure there were no small metastases hiding beyond the xray view, nothing was found. the splenetic tumor had broken and had bled into her gut so the possibility remains that there may be some free floating cancer cells which may one day raise their ugly head...or..maybe not. jada had her spleen with its tumor removed. and the one thing we know for sure is...she has plenty of time to heal and enjoy living and maybe, just maybe, find a wonderful home of her own. and that is great news!

anne called me at work late afternoon and told me peep was a little bit off on her food. michelle came over to do the 6 pm feed. and while peep did take her bottle, a little while later she was shivering, lethargic and breathing funny. i called the vets and steve came to check her...she was running a bit of a fever. most likely the start of pneumonia following her difficult birth. he gave her an antibiotic injection and a anti inflammatory injection. she was better by the time i got home around 10 pm.

this morning she looks pretty good!

huge thx lynne for caring for the house guys and michelle for caring for the lambs during my evening shift. and to our vets dave and steve for their caring and expertise given to jada and peep yesterday.

it takes a whole village to have the backs of our precious saints crippled crew.



Yeah, that's such good news for Jada- and I hope little Peep responds well to the medications and continues to feel better.


I adore Jada, I am so glad she gets the chance to find a home deserving of her.