Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  May 31, 2016

new guy in..rusty. 15 yrs old, emaciated, partially blind with some significant medical issues. found as a stray many times, this last time, not reclaimed by his family.

so easy to spew anger and condemnation in defense of an innocent animal neglected and betrayed in life.

let me say something here...

spewing rage and ugly verbal violence does nothing to make rusty's life better.

we all want a kinder, gentler, more respectful world yet we still want to scream our righteous unfiltered rage out into the atmosphere.

and it will accomplish what?

not a damn thing..just adding even more ugliness to this already ugly enough world.

look fellow human beings...we can change the world for the better without screaming violent obscenities.

cases in point...

Nelson Mandela
Martin Luther King

rusty did deserve to be better cared for..proper medical care, a safe, loving and loyal home, a family who cared about his physical, emotional wellbeing.
and he did not get all of those things.
life is pretty much not ever fair.

hopefully now that rusty is in our hands..he will get that medical attention, his needs will be noticed and met.

when i got home yesterday..ruty had already arrived. he was in the laundry room pitching a fit because he was so frightened.

renee carried him into my room and i hung out with rusty, elvis and buddy all thru the afternoon and all thru the night.
i was held hostage by the little frightened spirit that was crying out in terror inside.
and soon rusty settled in..cuddled up, started rubbing his face on the bed. soon he was sharing my dinner and taking stock of his new world.

there is no time or energy left in me for spewing rage over the unfairness of life for the vast majority of humans and non humans.
any energy i have is for holding myself and my emotions hostage and in check to accomplish a more respectful and compassionate actually helping someone..hands on...eyeball to eyeball...soul to soul.

speak calmly. act with respect. show compassion to others even if they are on the other side of the tracks and yes still do speak your truth as you live it. but forsake framing your truth in ugliness and violence....try to make your truth beautiful and maybe others will want to live it too.



Hey Carol, I think this just about every time I read one of your posts so I'm just going to say it. You are such an authentic human being. YOU ARE AWESOME!