
Updated W4W10 Animal Sponsorship

Sheila  ·  Jul 27, 2016

Sorry it isn't neatly typed out but it is very hard to get an excel spreadsheet to properly copy over. If I have a chance I will retype neater tomorrow. I have darkened the font for the SAINTS that are looking to come to the party still. It is hard to juggle between the emails and the posts below so I am sure there are still some errors. Please point them out to me. Thanks Sheila

Animal Type Sponsor Name Sponsor Name $
Agnes Dog Agnes Eichman 25
Andy Dog Doreen Humphries 25
Baby Jane dog Jamie byrk 25
Biff Turkey
Blueberry Budgie

Bo Sheep Michelle Norman 25
Bonanza Rabbit Steph Phelps 25
Boomer dog Lynne Arnason 25
Boots Cat Jenny Watts 25
Brad Pitt Pig
Brown buddy Dog Lynne Arnason 25
Buddy Dog Jenn Kirkland 25
Carl Llama Janet Nicholson 25
Charlie Rooster Dionne D'Ascenzo 25
Charlie Dog Shawn Harvey 25
Charlotte Pig
Chevy Cow - Nicole McClelland 25
Chewy Goat Val Anderson 25
Cheyenne Dog Linda Ciccozzi 25
Chicklet Dog Jamie byrk Alyson Nerker 50
Chief Cat Curt Odenbach 25
Chloe cat Curt Odenbach 25
Chris chicken
Cinder Sheep
Cindy Cat Carla Morris 25
Cinnabon Rabbit
Clementine dog Donna Brearly 25
Cleopatra - Cat - Carla Morris - 25
Cocoa - Cat - Carla Morris-25
Coda Bear Dog Janice Dragnac 25
Conan Cat
Daniel Rabbit
DeeDee Llama
Diesel Dog Dionne D'Ascenzo 25
Dixie - Horse - Doreen Humphries- 25
Doc Goat
Donatello Turtle Dionne D'Ascenzo 25
Duke Cat
Edith cat Linda Ciccozzi 25
Edwina Duck
Elvira Cat Linda Ciccozzi 25
Elvis Dog Song MI 25
Emily cow Willie Croissant 25
Ewekey Sheep
Faith Rabbit
Floyd Duck
Fritz - Cat - Carla Morris - 25
Geezer - Cat - Carla Morris -25
Ginger Pig
Gracie Pig

Gus Sheep
Hope Rabbit
Jack Budgie
Jet Cat
Joy Cow

June Dog lynne Arnason 25
Kassa Blanka Dog Nicole McClelland 25
Kyah dog Renee Weisgarber Dale Korody 25
Laddie dog Leonore & Owen Henry 25
Leo Cat Jamie byrk 25
Lincoln Rabbit
Little - Sheep - Michelle Norman - 25
Logan Rabbit Helga Pirang 25
Lucy - Cat - Carla Morris - 25
Luna Dog Lynne Arnason 25
Mable Goat Val Anderson 25
Maestro Cat Tammy Robson 25
Mah sheep Michelle Norman 25
Marin Dog Jennifer Kirkland 25
Max Dog Alisa Dewald 25
Melody Duck
Me-Su Cat Helga Pirang 25
Miami Cat Jenny Watts 25
Mick Jagger Cat Dionne D'Ascenzo 25
Morgan - Cat - Carla Morris
Myrna - Cat - Carla Morris - 25
Mystic Dog Lynne Arnason 25
Nacho Cat Helga Pirang Jamie Byrk 50
Nicki dog Song MI 25
Oreo Dog Janice Dragnac 25
Oscar Dog Shawn Harvey 25
Paris Dove
Patches Cat Joan Mohr 25
Peep Sheep Michelle Norman 25
Pepper Potts Dog Lynne Arnason 25
Pink Turkey
Poppy Pig Janice Dragnac 25
Raven Horse Michelle Norman 25
Ray Rabbit Penny Veresh 25
Rio Horse
Robbie Dog Linda Ciccozzi 25
Rudy Horse
Sadie Chicken

Sage cat Tammy Robson 25
Sailor Bob cat Donna Brearly 25
Salty Dog Doreen Humphries 25
Simon Dog Renee Weisgarber Dale Korody 25
Sophie horse
Spaulding Rabbit Laura Ward 25
Spenser Cat Joan Mohr 25
Squirt Dog Brenda McCormack 25
Squishtopher Cat Jenny Watts 25
Steele Rabbit Penny Veresh 25
Stella Dog - Jenn Kirkland
Sullivan Rabbit
Summer Goat
Sunny Cat
Tang Cat
Teddy Pig
Tiny Tim Duck
Treat Rabbit Penney Veresh 25
Tris Chicken
Twoosie pig

Whiggy - Cat - Joan Mohr Suzanne -50
William cat Jamie Byrk 25
Ziggy donkey Suzanne 25
Zoey sheep
Zu Zu Sheep

Decca Dog Doreen Humphries 25 RIP July 23
Lily Dog Donna Brearly 25 FOster
Porthos Cat Laura Ward 25 Adopted 2012



Hi Michelle I will take a donation for past saints in memory of. I just don't advertise it because doing 120 cards is a lot of work. Also sometimes it is hard to find a picture of a past saints so if you could tell me what years he was at saints it will make it easier for me.


Hi Sheila, Can someone sponsor "in memory" of a past SAINT? ie, Rudy Dog


Suzanne I am sorry but I missed that someone posted and has already payed for sponsoring Whiggy. Sheila


Hmm, thought I had put a comment on here, trying again. I'll sponsor Oreo (dog), Rio, Rudy and Sophie (horses). Just sent money via paypal.


Hi Ellen

You can still sponsor Diesel if you like. We will just do 2 pictures of Diesel instead of 1. Just let me know.


Ellen Nickerson

Yesterday i sponsored Diesel through pay pal but he is already taken. Just pick another dog for me. Thanks, Ellen Nickerson

Doreen Humphries

Sheila, if Dixie is not taken ....???? make her my number 4 from today . Thanks!


I'll also sponsor Gracie if she's still available. Minor detail, my last name is spelled Drganc :)

Jenn Kirkland

Hi Sheila, could I get Stella and Buddie for my extra two animals? Thanks


Hi Sheila - Faith (Rabbit) is missing from the list. We don't want her to miss out!